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Hot Summer? Get a Portable Air Conditioner

A durable air conditioner is proven to be a valuable choice for most of the home owners. You do not have to worry about your air conditioners being stuck in the wall and intended to be used for only one room in your home. With a portable air conditioner, you can now simply roll the unit into your living room, or into your dining room, or even wherever you want to put it. Portable air conditioners will certainly make your life easier and more convenient. Now, you do not have to drastically open the refrigerator just to cool off. Just turn the portable air conditioner on, and you are ready to transform those hot summer days into cool and breezy ones.

Now you wonder: how exactly does a portable air conditioner unit work? First and foremost, portable air conditioners exhaust hot air from the room. The air is directed out of the room through the use of a discharge hose, which you can simply put out in the window. Some portable air conditioner units provide the user with the apparatus intended for this purpose. Generally, if you want to have a longer discharge hose than what is given to you, your warranty will be lost. You cannot replace the parts which come with the unit.

Hot Summer? Get a Portable Air Conditioner

Usually, portable air conditioner units are used in computer server rooms in order for the units to be cooled off by these units. But however, if you find the summer heat unbearable, then a portable air conditioner may just be for you. Just imagine your days without having that fan along with you all the time. You can now enjoy a glass of lemonade coupled with your favorite snack while you are watching your favorite television show. Just plugging the unit in will definitely make a difference in the way that you spend your hot summer days.

HVAC Water Leak - Unit Icing, a Common Cause

This time of year in Southern California brings that fantastically mild weather which gets everyone out of their houses and into the cool sunshine. These are the days which make Los Angeles the place everyone wants to be. On such days I like to go hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains outside Pasadena, or drive down to Orange County to do a little shopping, or perhaps enjoy a day at the Getty Museum in Santa Monica, gazing out over West LA and Hollywood.

I would enjoy these days more if it weren't for those pesky emergency weekend calls from commercial clients. That is because, within the HVACR industry, this is also the time of year for the dreaded water leak call. Water leaks in air conditioning equipment typically take two forms: the first form is usually due to an overflowing drain pan which is typically caused by a plugged drain line. But it's the second form which we see the most this time of year. The call typically comes in as follows, "My air conditioner was working great yesterday now it is blowing hot air and dripping water on the sales floor". This description is the telltale sign of a unit "icing over".

HVAC Water Leak - Unit Icing, a Common Cause

Air conditioners have a condenser coil and an evaporator coil. The purpose of the evaporator coil is to extract heat from a space. The purpose of the condenser coil is to expel that heat to the atmosphere. Between the two coils a refrigerant transports that heat. Air conditioner systems are designed to exacting specifications and are delicately balanced between evaporator and condenser; the coils have to be the right size, the air flow has to be in the right amounts, the refrigerant has to be charged to specific amounts. If any part of the system gets off balance the unit operates inefficiently, or sometimes, too efficiently.

22 Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Want to save the planet and some money at the same time? Here's a list of things you can do to cut your monthly energy bill down to size.

1 Switch to Compact Fluorescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs use 1/4 the energy of traditional incandescent bulbs and last six times longer. They also give off much less heat than incandescent bulbs, thus keeping your home cooler in the summer.

22 Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

2 Avoid "phantom power" by unplugging electronics when not in use. You can plug them into a power strip with an on/off switch to make this easy. Phantom power can add up to about 10 percent of your home's energy use, or about one month of your electricity use each year. 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off.

How to Save Money on a Portable Air Conditioning Unit

Before we go into any detail about saving money on a portable air conditioning unit, you need to ask yourself whether you need a portable air conditioner in the first place. If you are not always in your room or office and are always moving around, then a portable air conditioner will be useful to you.

If you really need to get a portable air conditioner, then there are many ways to save money on it. Now let us discuss them in more details:

How to Save Money on a Portable Air Conditioning Unit

1. Choose the right brand. There are many brands offering portable air conditioners. Portable conditioners from premium brands will definitely cost more than the other brands. It is just like buying a Mercedes car. So if you find a lesser known brand which is offering 30% cheaper, do not be discouraged to buy it.

Video Conference Technology Is the Best Innovation of This Century

Video conferencing is no longer the "wave of the future," it's the now and it benefits so many parties. Unless however you were one of those that enjoyed a company brunch in a city away from home as there is no longer a need for you to be in the air much anymore.

A large amount of positions that once considered travel as a necessity now use video conference tools to enable them to visit with anyone even on different sides of the globe. It's fair to believe that the airlines probably aren't too thrilled about it. But, this technology is the way to go. It is a huge step in the right direction as it cuts down on energy costs substantially. Even if it's not a company's intention to do this to "go green" it saves everyone time and as we all know in the business world, "time is money."

Video Conference Technology Is the Best Innovation of This Century

Another benefit of a video conference is the way in which it can be utilized in the medical environment. Major hospitals are no implementing video conference technology for emergency operations. While a hospital might have the technology needed to go through with an emergency the specialized doctor might be on the other side of the world. In a case like this the specialist is able to go to the closest equipped facility, and perform the procedure virtually using video conference and robotic technology.

Portable Air Conditioning Systems Explained

Many people now benefit from portable air conditioning systems whether that be in offices, shops and restaurants, computer and other tech rooms, schools, at events and exhibitions, in laboratories & hospitals, production and printing/reprographics and hotels & conference facilities.

In fact, the applications for portable air conditioning units are continually increasing for a number of reasons:

Portable Air Conditioning Systems Explained

* to offset rising temperatures/global warming
* to maintain workforce productivity
* for better personal comfort
* for health purposes
* for business purposes such as to maintain stock temperatures
* to counteract the presence of computers, servers or other appliances

Server Room Air Conditioning in Winter

Summer Server Cooling Needs

Changes made to physical server configuration during warm weather may not show problems right away. Companies replaced older computers with high-heat blade servers or move the servers into a smaller room to open up floor space. The existing air conditioning is often up to the challenge of the increased heat load.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Hot outside weather doesn't affect the server room since the building's air conditioning automatically runs more to compensate. In some cases IT managers might have to bring in spot coolers to supplement the existing system, but other times no changes need to be made. The instinctive assumption is that if the server room is fine in the hot summer months, there will be no problem when outside temperatures drop.

Server Room Air Conditioning in Winter

Winter Makes Server Rooms Hotter

Unfortunately when winter sets in, server room air conditioning faces its greatest challenge. Many smaller server rooms depend on the building's air conditioning system to keep cool, but in winter the HVAC system is switched from cooling to heating. Not only are the servers not getting the cool air they need, but additional heat is actually being blown into the room through the vents.

IT managers find their servers actually run hotter because of the lack of cool air. They may also find they have paid attention to the cooling needs of the servers but forgot about other equipment such as network routers. Even if the system doesn't suffer a heat disaster, equipment running hot has a much shorter useful life.

Air Conditioning Must Be a Dedicated System

It is a rare business that doesn't depend on its servers for daily operation. If the computers overheat and shut down, company operations often shut down as well. For this reason, every server room needs a dedicated cooling system separate from the building's HVAC system.

Installing a high-efficiency central cooling system is very expensive and not necessary for today's computer rooms. Many IT departments find portable air conditioning to be a less expensive and more versatile solution than an expensive HVAC upgrade. The ability to add or remove units as cooling needs change or as the building's main cooling system changes is essential in keeping a server room cool.

Don't wait until it's too late to give your the cooling capacity it needs. Set up a dedicated server cooling system by using spot coolers to create the ideal environment modern electronics need.

Server Room Air Conditioning in Winter

How to Lower Your Energy Bill Starting This Month

So here we are in the midst of an energy crisis in the United States, and your utility bill is on the rise. If you are like many Americans you are looking for ways to lower your energy bill. There are several things we can do to help reduce energy usage in our homes, thus making our monthly utility bill lower than the last month.

First way to lower your energy bill is to think about things that run when you are away. Your computer monitor, TV, air conditioner, lights and appliances. So before you get up and leave the room turn if you are going to be gone for me than 5 minutes turn your monitor off, turn the TV off and turn the light off. Doing this simple task will help reduce your monthly utility bills.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Next way to lower your energy bill is to look for appliances with energy saving settings. For example most newer model air conditioners have energy saving settings, laptops and computer monitors too have these energy saving settings.

How to Lower Your Energy Bill Starting This Month

Another excellent way to lower your energy bill is to purchase energy saving appliances. When you shop for new appliances, windows or doors, look for the energy star saving sticker. These products have been proven to help reduce energy costs and are better for the environment. As we know helping our environment is important for the future of our planet and the future of our children and grand children, ensuring future generations will enjoy the planet for decades to come.

How to Lower Your Energy Bill Starting This Month

All About Commercial Air Conditioning

Commercial air conditioning is available for hotels, restaurants, industries and other institutions. Schools, churches and retail stores can find appropriate services and there is a wide range of products that are available. You may locate a company providing these products and services through the internet and one can also call them for more information.

If you have any questions, you may find a live agent that you can chat to over the internet and they will ensure that instant response is provided. Commercial product application will also include public buildings, mining and industrial, restaurants and fast food joints and even hospitals. With the appropriate solution, you will be able to reduce your energy bills and save money in the process.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Professional service will be provided and this includes the design and installation of your unit. Comprehensive after sales service will be provided and your unit shall be maintained for you. Redundant systems may be decommissioned and gas reclaimed from them. In addition, redundant systems may be removed from your facility.

All About Commercial Air Conditioning

Service and maintenance programs are available and you can enjoy many benefits from air-conditioning. Common problems can be solved for you and if you have a computer room, the heat that is emitted from the PCs can be too much. Too much heat in a room hosting a server can make the server fail to function and you may lose business if your systems are not functioning.

Wall or floor mounted systems can be provided for your computer room and this will enable you to control the temperature in the room. Offices can sometimes get too hot and you shall be uncomfortable is the office. The reason is because there might be too many people in the office. Overhead lighting and heat emitted from computers can also contribute to the rise in temperatures.

For an office, an appropriate solution will be offered and this includes outdoor units. Delicatessens can become quite hot due to having several refrigerators in a facility. In addition, there is a high density of clients in the shop and it can become uncomfortably hot.

An open plan office can be offered with an air-conditioner and studios may also be provided with appropriate solutions. Dentists, warehouses and nurseries can also be offered with the appropriate solution. Pubs and nightclubs can also have air-conditioning units installed for them. If you would like additional information about commercial air conditioning, you can contact a company that is providing the products and services.

All About Commercial Air Conditioning

The Best Tips on How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill and Pay Less Every Month

There are a few steps you can take in order to cut your electricity bill and pay less every month. The less we spend on electricity, the more money we have available to spend in things we need more such as our kid's school, the car loan, the house mortgage, or just for a nice gift you want to buy to your wife or girlfriend.

I am going to list here a few things very simple and easy to do so you can cut down the cost of your monthly electricity bill:

Computer Room Air Conditioner

-Every Little Drop Helps: Let's say you are in your room and you want to have lunch with your family in the dining room. Take a look around your room and switch off all the electrical devices even if you are going to be back soon. Every little piece of time we can have al electrical appliance or a light bulb off, helps a lot in our quest to cut down and save as much as possible in the cost of the electricity bill.

The Best Tips on How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill and Pay Less Every Month

-Switch Off Electrical and Electronic Appliances: When you leave the room you are in, please make sure you switch off all the electronic appliances (switch off the television set, turn off the fan, the computer, the cd player, etc...)

But you should also make sure to switch off the light bulb or the lamp of the room you are leaving. Remember again: Everything counts!!!

-Smart bulb Replacement: One of the best and smartest investments you can make is replacing all the incandescent bulbs of your house with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). These bulbs are one of the biggest power-saver investments you can make.

-Avoid Power Wasters: The electricity bill cost is not directly proportional to the number of electrical appliances and gadgets we use, but THE WAY WE USE THEM.

Follow these simple tricks in order to avoid power wasters:

- Switch off the monitor of your computer, even if you take one minute coffee break.

It will only take you one second to turn it on again, and you will be saving electricity.

- Keep the air conditioner at the minimum(high or low temperature, depending if it is summer or winter) in order to keep you off the cold or the heat outside your home.

- Use the washing machine only when you have a full load of clothes to wash.

If you follow these simple tricks you will be reducing the electricity bill, and at the same time you will be helping the world save power for the future generations.

The Best Tips on How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill and Pay Less Every Month

Reduce Energy Usage - 5 Tips to Save Energy Around the House

In today's economy, many people are looking to reduce their energy usage and save money. You can reduce your electricity bill by following these five simple tips:

1.       Use CFL Bulbs - Replace all incandescent bulbs in your house to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. CFL bulbs require less electricity and will reduce your energy usage in your home.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

2.       Wash Only Full Loads of Clothes - Reduce the number of loads of laundry you do in your home a week by only washing clothes when you have a full load. Even though many newer washers require less water they still require the same amount of electricity per load whether it is a small or large load of cloths.

Reduce Energy Usage - 5 Tips to Save Energy Around the House

3.       Turn off Household Items - You will be amazed at how you can reduce your energy usage each month by remembering to turn off the lights when you leave a room, turn off the TV when no one is watching it, and especially turning off your computer monitor when it is not in use. These small changes will make a big difference in your energy bill each month.

4.       Set Your Thermostat Right - In the summer set your air conditioner a few degrees warmer and in the winter set your furnace a few degrees cooler to reduce energy usage.

5.       Unplug What You Don't Use - If you have gadgets in your home that you do not use but they have lights or a clock, unplug these items to reduce the amount of electricity you use. These small gadgets can add up to using a lot of energy over the course of a year.

So, as you can see, using these five simple tips can really help reduce your energy usage month in and month out.

Reduce Energy Usage - 5 Tips to Save Energy Around the House

How to Save Power at Home and the Office

Are we finally starting to pay attention to the rapid consumption of the non-renewable sources of energy? The world is faced with severe energy crisis now and none of us are unaffected anymore. Should we leave everything to the governments, or can we do something ourselves to save power? The answer is simple: yes we can.

Let's look at how you can save power at home and at the office.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Turn your monitor off when you turn your computer off. This will not only save power, it will extend the life of your monitory.

How to Save Power at Home and the Office

Switch to CFL light bulbs. As a power-saving measure, start using the CFL light bulbs wherever you can. They are initially more expensive than the regular bulbs, but the benefits of the CFL bulbs will prove much more cost-effective in the long run by the amount of power they will save.

Turn off lights when you are out of the room. If you can control the lights at your office, turn them off if you are leaving for lunch or for a meeting. Turn off overhead bin lights if you don't need to use them.

Adjust your air conditioner. Studies have shown that most businesses keep their air conditioners set too low. I can attest to that, when walking into t a business during summer hours. It seems I always need to bring a sweater with me because the air is set on about 68 degrees.

Pay attention to how often you use your washing machine. Even high-efficiency units still use power. You can save power by waiting until you have a full load and wash clothes in cold water whenever possible.

Turn the television off when you are not watching it. We found we had the television on whenever we were in the house, sort of as background noise even if we weren't watching it. By making a conscious effort to turn if off while not watching it, I saw an to reduction in our electric bill. That's about 0 per year. Not only did we save power, we are keeping some money in our wallets.

Turn your water heater down to 110 to 120 degrees. Place an insulated blanket around your water heater. You can find these at home improvement stores for a very reasonable price. If you have small children at home, this temperature also helps safeguard against scalding.

Keep your refrigerator closed as much as possible. Bring hot food to room temperatures before putting it into the refrigerator and you can also save power by taking cold or frozen food out of the refrigerator much before the mealtime, saving power in heating it. Be careful, though, to follow safe-food procedures so that you do not get sick.

Do not run the air conditioner in your car unless you absolutely have to. Put the windows up prior to turning on the air. Many people believe that driving with the windows down actually creates drag and uses more gas, but studies have proven the opposite.

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Take it one step beyond saving power and start earning money for power your generate.

How to Save Power at Home and the Office

7 Tips on How to Save Power at Home

Here are 7 tips on how to save power at home. These will cut back on some of the real "energy guzzlers" that lead to huge energy bills. Reducing in the following ways can save you a ton of money.

1. Computer

Computer Room Air Conditioner

How many people actually shut down their computers? How about their computer monitors? Many people surprisingly don't. Making it a habit of shutting both is a good first step in how to save power at home.

7 Tips on How to Save Power at Home

2. Light Bulbs

Use CFL light bulbs. These have been saving people a ton of money on electrical costs. Some people stay away from these bulbs due to the up front costs being higher than normal bulbs. But in the long run these will save you more money.

3. Air Conditioner

Here's a energy sucking unit that can drain your wallet quick. You need discipline on this one, and that requires finding the limits of what you can be comfortable with. So many people just blindly jack up their air conditioner to the colder levels, when they would've saved hundreds and still remained comfortable at much more reasonable limits.

4. Washing Machine

Instead of throwing small loads in here and there, save everything for big loads only. Get as much done in one job as possible, and you will have implemented a good course of action on how to save power at home.

5. TV

The television set is usually kept plugged in, as is the VCR, DVD player, stereo and speakers. Try plugging everything into a power strip, and then when you are through for the night turn the power strip off! This saves a lot of dough.

6. Refrigerator

Keep your refrigerator set to a degree that will still get the job done, rather than having it set to the coldest level possible. Other refrigerator tips on how to save power at home include simmering down hot food to room temperatures before putting it inside to cool.

7. Microwave.

Limit your microwave use when thawing out foods. This is where you are really paying extra for your microwave when you set it for 20 minutes or more to defrost food, when you could have just taken it out of the freezer and let it sit for a few hours. Even then if you needed to defrost it more the time would be cut in less than half.

7 Tips on How to Save Power at Home

Power Outage

Last week during a wicked thunderstorm our power went out for a couple of hours, and our house was suddenly silent and peaceful.

Before the storm, I was working on the computer, my oldest son was doing homework on his computer, and my daughter was sitting at the kitchen table working on homework.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Suddenly, the lights went out...we gathered flashlights, went into the den, read books and talked. Thanks to the power outage, my husband arrived home early and joined us for our quiet family night in the den.

Power Outage

After an hour or so, my oldest son said, "this is's so quiet and relaxing, we need to do this more often." His comment made me think that we all need to "unplug" every now and then...if mother nature doesn't do it for us!

We live in a wired world. Our lives are constantly interrupted by e-mails, phone calls and text messages. We're lured by the computer to check the latest new happenings, sports scores, weather updates and e-mails. Although it's nice to have access to constant information and instant updates, we've added to our stress level by never having a quiet, peaceful, uninterrupted moment. your family in need of a little rest and relaxation? Instead of spending lots of money on a family vacation...just UNPLUG and UNWIND!

It will be an evening of frugal family fun! Simply unplug (don't use any electronics), and then enjoy some old-fashioned family fun!

Enjoy a picnic of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by candlelight!

It's always an adventure to read books with flashlights.

How about playing a game by the light of the fireplace?

Stargazing anyone?

No evening in the dark would be complete without telling ghost stories, then bring your sleeping bags and have a "camp out" on the living room floor!

P.S. - Our quiet, peaceful evening abruptly came to an end when the power came back on after 2 hours...just when I was looking forward to my peanut butter and jelly sandwich! The computer started whirring, the air conditioner began humming, the security system was beeping and the clocks were all flashing. The wired world had returned!

Power Outage

Window Shades Help Consumers Control Energy Bills

Roller shades help manage electric bills, and are a very versatile decorator accessory. There are several different styles of roller shades that can help reduce electric bills by aiding in temperature control in rooms. These are the main types sold today that can help with energy costs:

1. Blackout Roller Shades - These opaque window shades will totally block incoming light from outside. By keeping the sunlight out, room temperatures are reduced, so you do not need to run your air conditioner as often or as long. In winter, the dark window shades can provide some insulating effect, keeping warm air inside the room instead of diffusing out through the window glass. The heavier the material, the better the insulating effect, for cooling or heating.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

2. Solar Roller Shades - These work by allowing diffuse lighting into a room, while keeping the harsh glare outside, and they provide privacy without eliminating light as blackout roller shades do. These protect furniture against ultra violet sunrays that can damage or fade materials and wood. Solar roller shades are ideal for any sun facing room where you want to have some sun control and heat reduction capability. Like all roller shades, they are adjustable, so you can have full window views whenever you desire.

Window Shades Help Consumers Control Energy Bills

Roller shades help manage electric bills by giving you options for both room lighting and heat management. Thick material on these window shades helps insulate rooms from drafts and leaks around windows. By mounting the window shades fully outside the window frame you have maximum coverage. You can even encase them in side runner boxes for additional control. Keeping sunlight out of a room during hot summer weather helps keep rooms cooler, so you do not have to run fans or air conditioners as much. This will affect your electric bill significantly. Since you can adjust the window shades up or down, you can allow as much light into a room as you want during the day.

Using the translucent solar shades will provide the air insulation factor plus allow greater levels of light into rooms. The glare free light is best for media rooms, where glare can interfere with television or computer monitor viewing. Because the material in solar shades is thicker, they also provide some protection against airflow and draftiness even though they allow diffuse light into the room. They are very useful for allowing light to enter a room where the outdoor view is less than desirable.

There is another type of roller shade you can purchase, that is a screen type for sun control. These allow you to still see the view outdoors, but provide minimal privacy and insulation, still better than bare windows.

Roller shades are available in decorator fabrics, at higher cost. Materials can be fabric coated with vinyl, PVC coated polyester, and woven fabrics. The fabric coated vinyl sleep (blackout) shades are the least expensive, and do not pin hole, crack or break like the old styles used to do. All roller shades come with either a standard hem bar or a decorative bottom bar to lend durability to the shade in use. Woven fabric window shades are light filtering, and can add to the decorative theme of your room.

Although it is possible to find lower price roller shades in discount stores, the true and better value comes from higher priced and custom roller shades. Materials are better quality, and have better durability and protective qualities than inexpensive roller shades. Roller shades can be used alone or combined with decorative window treatments. They are attractive and energy efficient. It is easy to see why roller shades help manage electric bills, reduce air conditioner wear and tear, and add flair to a room.

Window Shades Help Consumers Control Energy Bills

Conserving Energy And Saving Money

These days conserving energy is of global proportions. Not only are you helping the environment but can also save money with these every day little changes. Changes that may not even be noticed except on your utility bills, going down.

An energy efficient home can reduce your energy bills up to 40%. Yes 40%!

Computer Room Air Conditioner


Conserving Energy And Saving Money

If you live in a typical U.S. home, your appliances and home electronics are responsible for about 20 percent of your energy bills. If you are looking to replace an appliance, check for the energy star rating. These appliances and electronics include the following:

Shake, Rattle & Roll

You can increase the efficiency of your washer & dryer.

Regularly clean the lint from your dryer. Use the moisture setting to reduce run time. If you are looking for a new washer choose one with a front-loader. Front-loader models use 25% less energy than a standard model and use less water. Use warm/cold or cold/cold cycle and you can save 10 cents a load.

Load IT Up

A dishwasher that is 50% full uses almost as much as a full dishwaser. Load it Up and only run your diswasher when you have a full load. Air dry your dishes in the dishwasher

Is it OFF?

Turn off your computer and audio equipment at night....Hmmm is it really off? No, it's not. Do you see all those little lights, the blue, the red, the light on your computer monitor? All these use energy. Use a power strip and really turn off the lights.

Drip, Drip, Drip

Does that dripping keep you up at night?

Repair leaking faucets Install low flow shower heads Install toilet tummy bags Set your hot waterheater to 120 degrees Keep your water heater warm and insulate it Make sure all outside water sources are turned off This will save you approximately a year.

Keeping It Cold

A Refrigerator should maintain a temperature of 37 - 40 degrees Choose a refrigerator/freezer with automatic moisture control Placement of a refrigerator is important, is it in the sun? Is the refrigerator pushed up against the wall, allow space so the compressor doesn't have to work as hard.

Those Funny Looking Squiggly Light Bulbs

Replacing a single incandescent bulb with an energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulb (one of those "squiggly bulbs") can save up to over the bulb's lifetime. Don't forget to turn the lights off when you are not in the room.

Turning UP The Heat

Heating your home uses about 38% of your energy, use these tips below and save money by doing it yourself.

Set your home thermostat as low as comfortable (65 to 68 degrees F is suggested) when the house is occupied. Set back the thermostat by as much as 10 F at night or when the house is unoccupied during the day. Set back the thermostat to 50 to 55 F when the house is unoccupied for over 24 hours. Install a programmable thermostat to automatically provide the setbacks mentioned above. Close the fireplace damper - except during fireplace use. Reduce heat to unused rooms in the house - close doors and heat registers too. Close curtains and shades at night. Replace furnace filters once a month during the heating season. Remove any obstructions and clean heating registers regularly. Install insulating gaskets behind electrical outlets and switch plates on exterior walls. Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows. Caulk and seal leaks where plumbing, ducting or electrical wiring penetrates through exterior walls, floors, and ceilings. Coolin Down The Home Front Open windows at night to bring in cool night air; close them during the day. Close drapes during the day. Shade west facing windows. Draw cool night air into the house with a whole house fan. Install an evaporative cooler. Use room air conditioning only where needed and install energy efficient models. Install a central system air conditioner only when whole house air conditioning is needed. Maintain an air conditioned house at 78 F or higher. Regularly change air conditioning system filters and clean the condenser. Plant deciduous shade trees on the west and south sides of your house.

How much can you save? Check out the savings calculator.

Conserving Energy And Saving Money

Giving Your Babysitter a House Tour

When you hire a babysitter to watch your kids for the first time, do not take it for granted that she would not instinctively know her way around your house, no matter how extensive her experience. Before the official babysitting visit, arrange to meet with her so that you can tour her around your house. Here are the important things you have to show her.

Important Points of the House Tour

Computer Room Air Conditioner

The restroom- She should know the locations of the restrooms- all of them, if there is more than one. If you have an infant, show her where to bathe and change the baby.

Giving Your Babysitter a House Tour

The medicine cabinet- Make sure that your medicine cabinet is stacked with the basic medications as well as a few emergency ones. If any of your children has a current medical condition in which occasional attacks are possible, tell her what to do and show her where the emergency medications are. Also point out where to get the first aid kit.

The fire exits- It is her responsibility to get your children out of the house safely in case of a fire.

The panic room- If you have a panic or secret room in the event of intruders or burglars, show her where it is.

The refrigerator- Naturally, your babysitter will get hungry at some point. It is common courtesy to leave some snacks for her. Also point out where the microwave or oven toaster is. Tour her in the kitchen or dining room, and show her where the high chairs are in case your children would need them.

The telephone- You may have a policy where the babysitter is not allowed to make social calls during her visit, but she must know where the phone is in case of emergencies. Make sure there is a list of emergency numbers within reach of the phone.

Appliances and Gadgets- Show her where the television, computer, air conditioner/heater, and other devices are and how to operate them properly.

A house tour will be a great help to your babysitter, in the sense that she will know exactly where to go in case of emergencies, and she will feel more familiar and oriented in your environment.

Giving Your Babysitter a House Tour

Home Automation System

Believe it or not, the age of the Jetsons lies just around the corner. We may not have robots and computers performing every menial task from cooking dinner to dressing us for work, but a home automation system brings the future a little bit closer. A home automation system gives us the ability to control the electronic devices in our homes from wherever we are. Today's technology makes it possible to turn on your air conditioner or heater, pan a surveillance camera through your living room, or even record your favorite TV show from anywhere in the world.

How does a home automation system work?

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Three components comprise a home automation system: structured wiring, a connection center, and a computer-like microprocessor. Professional installers run the structured wiring throughout your home to the various hubs located in the connection center. The connection center, which is the nucleus of your home automation system, houses the microprocessor and connects it to the numerous hubs. The home automation system microprocessor allows you to operate the various home electronic systems and appliances wired into your home automation center from: touch screens, wireless remote controls and keypads anywhere in the world via the Internet.

Home Automation System

What are the possibilities with a home automation system?

In today's day and age, we go 100 mph, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The more packed our calendars get, the shorter the days seem. A home automation system rids our lives of tedious tasks that seem to take up more and more of our time. The example below shows how a home automation system can simplify your life.

You're getting ready to leave work on Friday afternoon, and you start to think about your day.
(1) dropped kids at school/daycare at 7:30 a.m.
(2) hit the gym at 7:45 a.m.
(3) got to the office at 9 a.m.
(4) drove to the cleaners on your lunch break
(5) had 45-minute parent-teacher conference at 1 p.m.
(6) pick up kids at 5 p.m.
(7) cook dinner for your in-laws at 8 p.m.

Now, imagine right before shutting down your computer at work you log onto your home automation system, click an icon, and your home air conditioner turns on. You can also see on the monitor, via your security cameras, that you forgot to start the dishwasher and washing machine. Clicking another icon starts them both.

While sitting in traffic, you open your PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) and hit a button, which turns on your oven to preheat. You also realize it's getting dark, so punching another button turns on your front-porch lights. When you turn into your neighborhood, you click your wireless remote, and your home automation system turns on the garage lights and opens the door, disables your security system, starts a pot of coffee brewing, and begins playing your favorite jazz song over your audio system.

The appliances you depend on and the activities you enjoy in your home become stress-free and easier to manage when you install a home automation system.

Home Automation System

Choosing the Best Server Room Air Conditioning

What many people do not realise is that computer equipment should it become hot for too long will not last as long as one would have hoped. Therefore any business where they have a server room it is vital that they ensure plenty of cool air is able to circulate around it. Were no suitable server room air conditioning installed then over time the equipment will begin to fail without warning as it overheats.

Not only does heat cause damage to the equipment held in a server, so can too moisture in the air. If the humidity levels exceed 40 to 55% in a room such as this then the equipment will start to corrode and rust. But through installing a good air conditioning system this will help to reduce the risk of such damage being caused to the server equipment.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

As well as reducing heat and preventing moisture build up in a room installation of an air conditioning system in such a room will ensure that plenty of fresh air is able to circulate it on a regular basis. This is essential as many server rooms are located in a very central position in a building so there are unlikely to be any windows or air ducts to allow such air to enter it.

Choosing the Best Server Room Air Conditioning

What Type of Server Room Air Conditioning Can Be Installed?

The important thing to remember when deciding what sort of air conditioning to install in a server room is one that will ensure that the temperature is controlled throughout the day and night. The equipment in such rooms is running constantly and so will generate large amounts of heat. Although most offices will have central air conditioning systems installed these are not suitable for use in server rooms.

Unfortunately these types of systems do require constant supervision to ensure that they function properly at all times. Often with such systems they tend to shut down at the most crucial times when nobody is around to then turn them back on such as at weekends or during holiday periods. Also these systems contain some very complex parts and if the business fails to maintain the system properly then it will often fail without any notice.

The best way to make sure that the temperature remains at a constant level in a server room is to install portable air conditioning units. Not only do these need far less maintenance but they will not fail in the same way that central air conditioning systems do because they are far fewer parts within them.

As these kinds of server room air conditioning units happen to be sat on wheels (casters) they can be moved very easily around the room and so if there is a particular hot spot in the room they can be moved to this to deal with it. Plus as these need far less energy to power them they cost much less to run and so this helps to save the business money.

Choosing the Best Server Room Air Conditioning

How to Choose a Suitable Awning For Your House

Awnings are a prolonged covering attached for the exterior wall of an house. It can be used on windows, doors, porches and decks of your house. It is usually made from canvas made from acrylic, cotton or polyester material, vinyl laminated or polyester fabric. This is stretched over a light structure of wood, iron, steel or aluminum. Some awnings are manufactured from aluminum while others are made of canvas. An awning turns into a canopy when it is extended further high are additional columns included with it.

You can choose either a manually operated awning or a motorized awning.The manual awning is operated by hand and yes it does not cost much. It can be put high on any patio or deck easily. The supporting arms from the awning may be angled back against the house or may be placed vertically about the patio or deck.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

The motorized awning does not have vertical supports. They have retracting lateral arms. It is operated by electric motors that are concealed underneath the roller bar of the awning. It may be operated by wireless remote control or even an electric switch about the wall. They are not merely very convenient but in addition very basic and beautiful. They are made of fabric, aluminum, corrugated polycarbonate and corrugated fiberglass.

How to Choose a Suitable Awning For Your House

The kind of awning for your home ought to be chosen based around the need of the particular individual. He can select whether manual or possibly a motorized awning. The material should be also chosen according towards the use in the awning. If it is needed to block the sun, the type of material will vary from that necessary to defend against rain and snow. A deck or possibly a patio might need more strong material like aluminum or polycarbonate.  

Patio awnings are perfect for the porch or even a deck. It gives shade in the place where otherwise you would have zero shade. You also can have a meal outside, beneath the awning. They offer protection towards the doors and windows of the house. On rainy days they offer shelter and protect the house in the rain. You can stand beneath the patio awning and open your umbrella when going out within the rain. On sunny days, it helps make the house cool and conserves electricity.

Retractable awnings cool your property and save the energy costs. When applied to windows it cools the space and you is not going to use air conditioner that much. You can also do lacking any air conditioner. It protects the furniture in a very room from fading because of exposure to the sun. It also lessens the glare felt while working for the computer or watching television. Since you can retract the retractable awning when not in use, a retractable awning is convenient to use. You usually do not should manually input it up and take it down whenever you wish to use it.

You can pick the material and form of awning that you just need. You can select any color and pattern that you would like to have, to combination it using the exterior of the house or patio furniture. You should select the awning that is of good quality to ensure that the material will not fade and does not get rusted in becoming exposed on the sun, rain and snow. Some awnings include wind sensors which permit the awning to automatically retract sensing this certain weather conditions. You can likewise have sun protection inside the awning. In this it is possible to see through it as the sun's rays are blocked. You can also have certain accessories to boost on the awning. You may have side screens to transform it right into a room.

The main thing to become careful about is to become sure materials are of excellent quality. The support needs to be strong, particularly in places which experience strong winds. The canvas or other materials inside the awning also needs to are a long time and never fade easily. Besides giving protection contrary to the natural forces, the awnings give an added beauty for the house along with the retractable awning should indeed be gaining a great deal of popularity.

How to Choose a Suitable Awning For Your House

How To Decorate a Modern Home Office

Your office at home does not have to look bland and unexciting. You can catch on top of modern office designs today so you'll have the ability to seem like working on the fullest. Here are few decorating tips that can assist you to achieve a stylish modern home office:

Tip 1: Modern designs today feature clean lines and solid colors. Choose three complementary or contrasting colors. According to experts, vibrant colors might help increase energy levels. They also stimulate better brain activities. You might desire to choose vibrant colors or mix 2 vibrant colors with one neutral color.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Tip 2: Choose comfortable but stylish furniture. Modern home furniture today usually has an edgy design. Plastic and glass are also quite popular. However, you'll also desire to merge comfort with style. Choose sensible furniture, office chairs and tables and merely enliven it with ornaments and accents.

How To Decorate a Modern Home Office

Tip 3: Buy a snug office chair. Your office might be probably the most attractive office inside world in case your chair doesn't provide you with comfort, you will still wouldn't enjoy in it. You can find ergonomic office chairs today with comfortable and adjustable features. Choose those that will give you rest from back pain, stiff neck and sore muscles. Also pick those chairs with adjustable seat height.

Tip 4: Purchase shelves and storage baskets. Maximize the storage area of the work place. Rather than buy boring file cabinets, why don't you commission a carpenter to create sturdy built-in shelf having a table to your computer? Use the shelves as a spot to store your office supplies and other decorative items including flower vases.

Tip 5: Make sure work has good lighting. Don't buy lamps with diffused colors. You have to have sufficient lighting to be effective properly.

Tip 6: The room has to be well-ventilated as well. Choose ceiling fans to add decorative accent towards the room. You also can install air-conditioner to help keep you comfortable during dry and humid seasons.

Tip 7: Place an inspiration board directly facing your projects space. Make cut-outs or print inspirational words and attach it to the cork board. Make it as colourful so when attractive as you can so it might constantly remind you of your respective goals and the things you want to achieve.

Tip 8: Make sure you position your work space close to the window area. It will balance your ambiance inside the room. You can also look outside of the question in the event you feel tired.

How To Decorate a Modern Home Office

How to Reduce Power Consumption in Data Center Operations

For most businesses, the simplest strategies to eliminating a challenge often go unnoticed. With emerging technologies taxing IT infrastructures and deployment, older technologies are often not taken into consideration when pursuing a solution. Power consumption can fall into this category being a simple, yet overlooked section of improvement.

The fact is, "energy conservation" is becoming an industry phrase and there are a handful of very simple, easy-to-implement strategies that may result in instant savings for virtually any business. None of these methods relies on any new technology introductions. Here are five simple methods for reducing power consumption inside the data center.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

1. Hot aisle/Cold aisle If your computer equipment in the data center is not properly configured in a hot aisle/cold aisle layout, it should be. This layout of the machinery promotes proper flow of hot and cold air resulting in less work required through the HVAC air conditioning and the computer equipment. In almost all layouts, server racks are create facing one another in pairs, using the back of just one server facing the rear of another server in the next set of two server racks within the data center. Data center computer equipment is constructed to take in cool air with the front of the machine and expel the heated air the back with the machine. Setting inside the racks facing the other person in pairs promotes the flow of cooler air in the front of both server racks and the flow of warmer air between your rear of two server racks, resulting in alternating "cold" aisles and "hot" aisles. Note: All data centers use similar principles in rack layout, yet some vary in levels of wherever computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units are located. To increase the flow of heated air to HVAC return ducts, the servers needs to be placed at 90-degree angles for the CRAC units. Placing the machinery in this manner allows the warmer air circulation unobstructed on the return ducts. Be sure never to force warm air from the hot aisle to visit over cold aisles, as this may bring about heating the cold aisles. Also, note there's technology available to simulate airflow into and out of data centers that can be used prior to really installing your equipment. The hot aisle/cold aisle layout takes advantage in the properties with the cooler and warmer air to reduce work necessary for other mechanisms that depend on power consumption to receive the job done. Any time warm and cold air is able to intermingle, more work is required by power-consuming CRAC units and internal computer cooling mechanisms. Computer equipment not designed to take in cool air from your front and expel it at the rear should be placed from racks who do promote the airflow inherent in a very hot aisle/cold aisle layout. These noncompliant devices needs to be set up in a very method that directs warm air exhaust toward a hot aisle, or they needs to be put into cabinets able to redirecting top or side-ventilated exhaust for the rear with the rack.

How to Reduce Power Consumption in Data Center Operations

2. Proper temperature and humidity Setting the right temperature and humidity levels in the data center is necessary to proper airflow in the room. Too often you will quickly realize there's misconception that server rooms should be cold and little monitoring is performed to keep optimum temperature and humidity levels. Many times the only sensor device inside room is normally the one located about the thermostat. Server rooms ought to be kept cool, in fact don't need to get cooler than average room temperature throughout the site. The recommended temperature range for data center rooms has always been between 67 and 72 degrees. Too often, businesses cool their data centers as a result of 65 degrees. It's okay to maintain the space a couple of degrees warmer; the computer equipment will always be operating within recommended and optimal temperature ranges.

Know this: A reduction of 4% in data center power consumption can be expected for each degree warmer the temperatures are kept. Of course, equipment has to be kept within acceptable temperature ranges and not over 75 degrees, although hardware specifications may rate the apparatus to use at temperatures of up to 95 degrees. Machinery operating outside in the acceptable temperature range wears down more quickly and poses a probability of overheating resulting in possible downtime. An additional problem is created when keeping a server room cooler than surrounding rooms: increased humidity levels.

The recommended humidity levels for the data center are between 45% and 55%. Cooling air an excessive amount of can increase humidity over acceptable levels. Once this happens, condensation can gather within sensitive, essential computer equipment and result in a hardware failure. Without the right sensors in spot to detect the temperature and humidity through the entire data center, none of the air properties might be monitored. These should be placed throughout the bedroom to ensure all products are operating within acceptable temperature and humidity ranges. Also, know there's a significant distinction between conventional air conditioners and CRAC units. Expect reduced power consumption plus much more longevity which has a CRAC unit installed.

3. Proper ceramic tiles The cold aisle should contain perforated tiles or grates to market the flow of cooler air from the floor up for the server air intake. Placing these perforations, thus raising a floor inside cold aisle, takes advantage in the inherent properties of cooler air which will reduce the job required through the HVAC system and computer cooling mechanisms. Hot aisles should not contain these floor perforations to ensure that the flow of warmer air on the air cooling return ducts remains unobstructed. Any time machinery is moved around in the data center, the alternating grates inside the cold aisles should also be moved to maintain your free flow of warmer and cooler air at the maximum.

4. Bypass air Bypass air is any conditioned air in the data center which is not used by the computer equipment air intakes. This leads to airflow inefficiencies inside the layout of the data center. Cooler air is promoted to rise from your floor through the use of perforated floor tiles or grates inside the cold aisle. Air should be prevented from rising from the floor for virtually any other purpose. Bypass air often is a result of anomalies inside floor within the data center. These could be holes cut within the floor permitting electrical or network cables leaving the area or broken floor tiles. Look for these areas about the server floor and if possible, seal them to keep bypass air to a minimum. Anytime computer equipment is relocated inside the room, make sure to check for any defects for the newly exposed floor and repair it. Also look for bypass air in the cutouts about the rear of server cabinets. Anytime cabling exits a corner in the server, the cutout must be properly sealed to avoid bypass air. Another area where bypass air may appear is round the door to the data center. Ensure this entryway is properly sealed.

5. Blanking panels Finally, from the hot aisle/cold aisle configuration, blanking panels needs to be put into server racks where there is no machinery. If blank spaces are still inside the server racks, these gaps allows hot air from your exhaust to re-enter the cold aisle, decreasing the efficiency of the whole configuration. These panels simply cover the holes at the front with the racks to close the mixing of hot and cold air. This simple fix maximizes the energy-saving potential of your hot aisle/cold aisle data center layout.

Five key inquiries to ask yourself:

1. Has reduction of power consumption in the data center been overlooked as a strategy to cut costs? Too often a data center has grown with the business therefore has its own power requirements. Power consumption inside data center needs being optimized.

2. Is the data center laid out inside proper hot aisle/cold aisle configuration? Computer equipment in many facilities is put in rows with all the front of just one rack facing the rear of another. This is definitely an inefficient layout that raises the power-consuming work of the two HVAC system along with the internal computer cooling mechanisms.

3. Is the temperature within the data center on the cheap of the acceptable operating range of data center equipment? A common misconception is server rooms needs to be cold. The truth is that data centers should be slightly warm and humid, but not very humid.

4. Is there any air entering the bedroom prohibiting natural airflow with the hot aisle/cold aisle configuration? Any holes around electrical conduits or cabling around the racks themselves need to become sealed to make certain free, maximized airflow.

5. Are enough blanking panels in position that prevent warmer air from mixing with cooler air? Blanking panels are simple, inexpensive devices that prevent warm and funky air from mixing. Implementing these simple power-consumption deterrents in the data center will result in an immediate cost savings. This savings is considerable for almost any business which solutions are attainable at really low costs. The only equipment that requires purchasing is the air monitoring sensors and blanking panels, and both of these devices are extremely inexpensive.

Energy costs are slated to carry on rising for your foreseeable future. Power grids are operating at maximum capacity and environmental concerns are preventing the long run construction of power plants. Attaining optimized power efficiency inside your clients are important to cutting unnecessary costs connected with data center power consumption. Optimization is key throughout your data center, so don't lose out by overlooking the obvious.

How to Reduce Power Consumption in Data Center Operations

Olympus DS-30 Digital Voice Recorder Review (DS30)

I have sold many brands and models of Digital Voice Recorders, during this time around I have tested many recorders. I could have to convey how the Olympus DS-30 Digital Voice Recorder is but one with the most well rounded voice recorders as far the style and features it includes to the price. I just like the Olympus DS-30 so much that I put it to use to get a lots of my dictation and recording.

I utilize this recorder for dictating a daily audio journal, recording memos, and recording meetings. Recording memos works great because in the compact design with the DS-30, I can make it around easy in my pocket and I hardly notice its even there, then when I have to record a fast reminder or perhaps idea it certainly is with me!

Computer Room Air Conditioner

I have been very impressed while using ability with the DS-30 to record in settings where there is certainly a substantial number of people. I used the recorder in many of my church meetings; I record in the meeting room brimming with a minimum of 200 people including children and babies. I just set it to record in lecture mode with the low-cut filter on after which when I participate in it back I set it to try out back with noise canceling. when I play back recordings from church meetings I am very impressed with how clearly I can hear the speaker despite all of the detailed noise and poor recording conditions!

Olympus DS-30 Digital Voice Recorder Review (DS30)

One from the greatest features the Olympus DS-30 has is the capability to Index Mark. Index Marks: are digital tags that may be inserted while recording or during playback. They are accustomed to skip forward or backward in recordings to pre-selected points. Up to 16 Index Marks could be added with a single file. After I am listening to a lecture and I hear something interesting I can mark key points inside audio file that I can easily navigate to in a later time.

Recording Modes

With three recording modes Olympus can tell how to produce a Digital Voice Recorder they have taken into account all of the environments someone would should record in while using DS-30. Lecture Mode: has the greatest microphone sensitivity and works great with large crowds and recording audio with a distance or low volume. Conference Mode: works great in recording meetings and seminars using a small quantity of people. Dictation Mode: great for individual dictation. The DS-30 records up to 67 hours inside lowest audio quality mode although it records about 4 hours inside the highest recording quality mode.

There are also other recording settings you can adjust with the Olympus DS-30; the best will be the LowCut filter. The LowCut Filter: minimizes low-frequency sounds and record voices more clearly. The function can help to eliminate noise from air conditioners, projectors, as well as other forms of "white noise."

Playback Modes

You can set the DS-30 to several playback modes to ensure that you'll have the best quality playback and optimum speed. The Olympus DS-30 Digital Voice Recorder features Noise Cancel: which can be enabled to relieve background noise in recordings produced in noisy surroundings. In effect, the function treats the loudest sounds because the most important and reduces other sounds to make dictation clearer.

You can adjust the playback speeds using the DS-30 to satisfy your listening needs! Playback speeds change from .5 times the speed with the original recording for slow playback to 1.5 times the original speed for faster playback. The slow speed comes in handy when you're transcribing as the faster speed will come in handy if you have to listen with a lenthy recording that you simply must speed through.


As an overall voice recorder the pros from the DS-30 far outweigh the cons! The display on the DS-30 is often a blacklist display that lights up when being used, so you'll find a way to easily see the screen in complete darkness! The external speaker packs a punch and will be heard even in the noisy room. The DS-30 has five different recording folders that can hold 200 files a piece; you are able to custom name these folders with all the DSS Player software which comes with all the recorder. The DS-30 recorder also comes which has a USB cable that easily enables one to transfer files for you computer, your personal computer automatically recognizes it if you plug it in! An external detachable microphone (ME-53) comes while using DS-30 which enables high quality stereo recording. Cosmetically the DS-30 just looks sleek, stylish, and compact. You also can load some of your favorite MP3 music files and play them back.


Believe it or not, I did find a couple of cons for your DS-30. It records in WMA format which could a amount of headache for folks employing a Mac computer because it can only be played over a Mac in case you get Windows Media Player for Mac. The DSS software which comes using the recorder does not use a feature to convert the audio into any other format. So you're tied to WMA files until you download or purchase 1 / 3 party audio conversion program.

I was not impressed while using overall quality of MP3 audio playback, if you are looking for any recorder that provides better made MP3 playback I would think about the Olympus WS series. The WS series comes with an equalizer and SRS Wow technology for enhanced playback.

The DS-30 has a good level of memory, 256 megabits; this is enough for many folks but will come up short for many users. The DS-30 Boasts an amazing 67 hours of recording time but this in the lowest possible quality mode, which I never use (the quality is just awful) also it only records 4 hours in the best quality mode. For someone that really wants to record for too long periods of your time in high quality modes I would recommend the Olympus DS-40 or DS-50 which can be basically exactly the same recorder but with an increase of memory.

© (Dan Robison)

Olympus DS-30 Digital Voice Recorder Review (DS30)

Making Your Conference Room Your Company's Image

Conference room as well as the reception are the face area of the company's infrastructure. The investment noticed within the mentioned places could portray the financial condition in the organization. There are companies which don't bother to invest around the mentioned two things. However, neglecting the reception and also the meeting place could provide bad impression in front of the client.

Therefore, always maintain your reception and also the conference rooms neat and clean. Meeting places will be the area where clients show there presentations, trainings, seminars, workshops, meetings etc. Bad infrastructure can make clients hesitate in offering you projects.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Designing an infrastructure or neglecting it will keep the companies overall image down and lowering inside market. When we discuss branded companies, most of us assume that this company's infrastructure will resemble being a mini hotel. There will likely be wooden flooring, comfortable chairs, well-connected cabins by phones along using the internet connections and designer meeting rooms.

Making Your Conference Room Your Company's Image

To see such imagination getting real within your office, visit online stores. There are few companies who are quite old inside the business since decades. Such companies have number of designs concerning to room's walls, table, ceiling, chairs, projectors or LCD TVs etc. All these will come to you personally at most economical prices.

Such companies provide planned selections for basic facilities, luxurious furnishings, high-speed internet connection, high-quality service etc. In basic facilities white boards, markers, computer-based projectors or LCD TVs are given within the room. In luxury, proper managed air conditioners, comfortable chairs, center table are concerned. In building a meeting fruitful and focused such things play a vital role. Annoying environment or unmaintained temperature always creates panic and uneasiness.

Earlier meeting places meant papers and pens but today they mean laptops and connectivity. We are in the paperless era; everything we write or read is usually on computers. Therefore we want high-speed internet connection. Conference rooms have to be well equipped with all the WI-FI connections and will must have fiber optic cables lay to supply uninterrupted access. The messenger services like yahoo. Skype, MSN or every other should not be restricted by the I.T people. Restricting to may be provides annoying atmosphere for your clients.

Lastly, always offer high quality service towards the client. Such things always make your clients get connected to you after dark professionalism. And to get every certainly one of the best things with your company, you might have to look for a better company online. There are companies as mentioned earlier that will design your company or conference rooms with contemporary style. These companies have decades of experience within the same profession.

Making Your Conference Room Your Company's Image

Is a Ductless Mini Split System Right for Your Home?

You may or may well not be familiar with the word "Ductless Mini Split". Even people that often hear the term don't always understand just what it is or the way works. A ductless mini split is merely another name to get a ductless heating and cooling system. It may be designed for straight air cooling or as being a heat pump system which can then perform heating and cooling when a traditional heating and cooling system might be too costly. There are a great deal of situations in places you might find using a mini split to get advantageous over a more traditional system.

For example, ductless mini splits could be especially important for remote rooms and rooms with special HVAC needs in which regular ductwork may not be sufficient or accessible. You may have a very finished room over your garage where it will be challenging to impossible to utilize regular ductwork. A ductless mini split system may be the perfect option for providing HVAC plan to that room and it must help reduce the vitality needed to help keep that room at the comfortable temperature, thereby saving you money.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

It may also be used in case you choose to enclose a garage or porch area to ensure that they might be added as finished living areas. Being in a posture to use that porch all year could be an incredible benefit but keeping the temperature comfortable could possibly get costly. A ductless mini split system gives you which has a cheaper alternative for heating and cooling.

Is a Ductless Mini Split System Right for Your Home?

Additionally, another good candidate to get a ductless mini split system can be a communications or computer room. In these types of rooms it's especially vital that you keep the temperature low enough for safe operation from the equipment. A hot, humid day could wreak havoc on the server inside a room that has been improperly climate controlled. Many business will use a ductless system to control temperature in these kinds of rooms.

Ductless systems have several positive aspects over more common options and may be very helpful when cost matters. In the examples I provided above, the entire cost for installation is lower in nearly every case. Because ductless mini splits have wireless thermostat capabilities, they also provide excellent temperature control. As fractional treatments has developed in the years, the efficiency of theses units have increased dramatically. They now use a fresh inverted technology as well as the equipment uses minimal amp draw and wattage often exceeding the efficiency of your fully ducted system.

Is a Ductless Mini Split System Right for Your Home?

Battery Backup Failure - Avoid the "Oh No!" Moment When the Power Fails

Everyone in the office is merrily working along, in the event the lights dim, flicker, and then... DARKNESS!

Yes, that's right, you merely stood a power failure. It could possibly be an ice storm, thunderstorm, tornado, an automobile striking a power pole, or maybe the utility just cut your power to be effective around the lines. No problem, your server is plugged in a UPS, or "uninteruptible power supply". You you've got plenty of run-time around the battery to power your server prior to the power comes on... or do you? You stroll to your computer room and immediately see the eerie quiet. The network switch isn't humming, the air conditioner is quiet, and... THE SERVER IS OFF!

Computer Room Air Conditioner

You wait for the power to get restored and confidently press the server power switch. The server begins booting. You start to find out the Windows logo. Then... Nothing. The server appears to get locked up, or the thing is that a message about missing or corrupt files. You turn from the server, then turn it on again with the same result. With panic rising and employees idle you provide it one last try.

Battery Backup Failure - Avoid the "Oh No!" Moment When the Power Fails

That is when you have the "Oh No!" moment!

What happened? Isn't the UPS designed to protect against power outages? How come my server shut down? Why include the files corrupted, or worse?

Your UPS that you just thought was protecting your server will no longer holds a charge in the battery. UPS batteries need replacing over time. How long they last is dependent upon your electrical environment. In a "clean" environment, one where you've not many power spikes, brownouts, or outages, battery lasts a lengthy time. In "dirty" power environments where you have an unstable power supply on the UPS, it will degrade far more quickly. This is normal in manufacturing environments where power hungry equipment causes great fluctuation within the line voltage.

Essentially, the UPS is "taking the bullet" to safeguard the gear connected to it, much being a Secret Service Agent having a bullet to the President. The UPS is designed to be sacrificed to the protection of your valuable equipment and data.

How do you know the age of your battery is? If you retain good records and pay attention, you will just look at your calendar after three years and locate a note to replace the UPS or battery. Right! On the opposite hand, the remaining folks can install UPS monitoring software which will alert us when this can be needed.

My advice is to utilize a top quality UPS which is made to protect servers. My personal favorite are those from APC. Most server-class units have hot-swappable batteries. You do not even ought to shut down the server to exchange the battery. When you buy a replacement battery, package the existing one in the same box the new one arrived in, and send it back to APC for recycling. APC even pays for that return trip!

The components inside a UPS other compared to the battery can need replacing too, particularly in "dirty" power environments. This is the reason why I recommend changing battery once after 3-4 years, then replacing the entire UPS after that. Note that there could be exceptions to the rule for a few from the higher end UPS units, such since the big rack-mount devices that you just find in the data center.

One more bit of advice: Always use certified replacement batteries from your manufacturer of your UPS. Don't use alternative party batteries. They are cheaper, and can they protect you once you need it? Isn't it worthwhile to own peace of mind? How old is the battery inside your UPS? If it can be over three years of age you need to consider replacing it or UPS. If it's over four years old, don't think twice, replace the battery NOW.

Battery Backup Failure - Avoid the "Oh No!" Moment When the Power Fails

My Computer Is Crashing - How to Fix a Computer Crash

A computer is known as to be crashed when the operating-system or an installed software ceases to work properly, often exiting after encountering errors.

A computer may crash in the following situations:

Computer Room Air Conditioner

1. DLL Incompatibilities
2. Problems with the System Files
3. Obsolete and Junk Registry Entries
4. Application Files are Corrupted
5. Overheating
6. Low Disk Space
7. Misc Causes

My Computer Is Crashing - How to Fix a Computer Crash

DLL Incompatibilities

Your computer is crashing due to DLL incompatibilities by alternative party software. Often installing unsupported software lead to DLLs incompatibility and thereby crashing the corresponding application software.

A recently installed software might be accountable for installing unsupported DLL files. Uninstall it as being instructed below:

1. Click Start | Control Panel.
2. Click Programs | Uninstall a Program.
3. Select the program that installed incompatible DLLs.
4. Click Uninstall button and follow the wizard.
5. Reboot the device after completion.

Problems with the System Files

Generally we don't modify the state in our system files without the reason. However, alternative party programs and virus infection may bring about system files modifications.

First of all, insert Microsoft Windows installation disc within your CD Drive and click Start | Run. Type SFC/ ScanNow to begin System File Checker (SFC) tool. Then stick to the on screen instructions.

Obsolete and Junk Registry Entries

Windows Registry may be the database containing hardware information, software configurations, user preferences as well as other relevant information. Various tasks result in obsolete and junk registry entries and thereby your computer is crashing.

Since there is certainly no built-in registry cleaner software in Microsoft Windows, you get lucky and be recommended to use a third-party registry cleaner software.

Application Files are Corrupted

Moving or deleting the application form files may bring about runtime errors and thereby your computer crashes. If the files required to operate the application form usually do not exist, the system crash occurs.


Processor overheating often leads to freezing up and after that crashing in case your computer.

If you've a laptop, then put in a CPU Cooling Pad. For desktop computers, turn for the air conditioner in computer room.
Low Disk Space

Your computer is crashing because of lacking adequate hard disk space to perform its regular operations. A good Registry Cleaner software may also range from the system cleaner feature. So clear the disk space using a System Cleaner tool. Otherwise, click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk CleanUp.

Misc Causes

It could be possible that the computer is crashing due to any other issues. I will teach you the simplest way to reinstate your system to a earlier state.

System Restore is really a built-in software that allows you to restore their state of one's system for an earlier point. For using System Restore, you have to have made a system restore point before few days or otherwise not you'll have the ability to work with an automatically created restore point.

1. Click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore.
2. Click Next button.
3. On the Select a system restore point page, pick a system restore point.
4. Click Next button.
5. Please follow the wizard your own.

My Computer Is Crashing - How to Fix a Computer Crash

Portable Air Conditioners - It's All About Location Location Location

Question: Where can I make use of a portable air conditioner?

Answer: Since portable air conditioners are extremely mobile and DO NOT require permanent installation, it can be done to rely on them virtually anywhere. Here are a number of examples of locations and situations where you could discover a portable air conditioner valuable.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Homes & Apartments

Portable Air Conditioners - It's All About Location Location Location

Portable air conditioners might be placed in rooms or areas which are poorly ventilated or used like a replacement for any central heat and air system. Since central air units often overheat through the summer months, you may consider having a portable air conditioner as being a very convenient back-up plan.

Factories, Workshops, and Garages

For garages, factories, and workshops that want to get climate-controlled, portable air conditioners can be programmed to operate constantly, keeping materials from being damaged with the heat. In addition, the dehumidifying feature automatically functions since the system cools, so it really is unnecessary to stress concerning the moisture inside air causing materials to rust or mildew. The dry and funky atmosphere also promotes a healthier plus much more pleasant work environment and is also planning to increase productivity.

Computer Server Rooms

Computer server rooms are generally poorly ventilated areas that have a lot of electrical equipment, which runs constantly, causing the area temperature to rise. Having a portable air conditioner used prevents the equipment from overheating and keeps the temperature with the room comfortable; meanwhile, the possibility of an system outage decreases.

Health Facilities

Like computer server rooms, many health facilities have developed an abundance of electrical equipment that requires to become kept cool. Additionally, portable air conditioners may also be useful when central unit outages occur and patients need to become shielded from hot temperatures. With the UV light feature of some portable air conditioners, patients can also be shielded from harmful viruses, molds, and bacteria that frequently linger in health facilities. Some suggestions for portable air conditioner locations are hospitals, operating rooms, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, outpatient clinics, and radiology centers.

Event Venues

Spring, summer, and fall are incredibly popular times to host sporting events, festivals, and concerts. Because from the sweltering temperatures and the large sum of people, these events can be very uncomfortable. With portable air conditioners, it can be done to more effectively cool the environment whilst it from becoming muggy. Instead of worrying about how to stay cool, your visitors will probably be in a position to freely enjoy the entertainment your venue has to offer.

Portable Air Conditioners - It's All About Location Location Location

Don't Forget Cooling For Server Rooms in Summer

In any enclosed environment where you will find a lots of computers being used, including server rooms, the temperature is critical. All from the equipment has a maximum temperature at which they can operate anything above this in addition to their efficiency is reduced or thermal shut down takes place. So it can be critical that server rooms are kept in a stable temperature. But it really is also critical that humidity, which can certainly be a problem, is controlled on the same time.

So what this means it some type of ac is provided for the room to ensure a consistent temperature may be maintained whatever the conditions outside are like. Plus it has to dehumidify the space allowing removal associated with a excess humidity.

Computer Room Air Conditioner

The size with the air conditioning system used inside a server room ought to be of an capacity that may cope not just removing the heat generated from the computer equipment in the room but also natural heat energy. Also since this equipment is at use 48 hours a day, 1 week every week it have to be a unit which has been designed using a continuous rating as opposed to the ones that are used for domestic use and can only be used infrequently.

Don't Forget Cooling For Server Rooms in Summer

When it comes to selecting the correct air conditioner you can find two types on the market available. There will be the portable or monoblock air conditioner or even the fixed split air conditioner systems.

As their name suggests portable air conditioners are all-in-one units that you simply just place in the server room. These extract not just heat but a great deal with the additional humidity coming from a room by drawing it down a flexible form of hose comparable to that found over a tumble drier measuring 125mm in diameter typically. The open end on this hose will need to get vented outside with the room through whether window that is certainly open or creating a dent in a very wall through which the hose might be placed.

Every portable is the same in this you will find none which can be totally self contained so that they don't have a vent pipe, the heat collected must be extracted somewhere. Each flexible hose is commonly around 2 to 2.5m in length which cannot be extended since the hose does radiate some heat back in the room and in case you make use of a longer hose then really this heat will wind up straight back to the room which you are looking to cool. So lowering the effectiveness of their cooling abilities.

Also when the hose stretches beyond a particular length there's a possibility in the buildup of back pressure that will prevent the hot air from escaping. This results inside the thermal reduce in the conditioner being tripped so stopping the entire process of cooling. As you're sending hot air along the hose it really is critical that a lot of fresh air is able to enter the area from another source such as being a vent, window or door to balance everything out.

In operation terms the portable models less difficult the identical because the fixed air cooling systems. They have fully automatic thermostatic controls to permit that you adjust the temperature up or down to suit the applying where being used. However, that which you will find is that most portable air conditioners aren't provided with a sophisticated timing system.

When it appears to fixed air conditioners these normally contain two parts. Within the server room it a unit mounted high over a wall which is then connected by a chord to a outside unit which carries power and refrigerant between the two. Not only creates this change tend being a great deal quieter but better a lot more operation.

What the indoor unit does is re-circulates exactly the same air so you do not require any sort of external ventilation, so making these units cool the bedroom more efficiently. In most cases the system situated outside will be either mounted on a bracket on the ground or on the wall.

There are self install systems available that have pre-charged refrigerant chords that have a super easy connection on these to allow the internal and external units to be joined together. Generally the maximum length that these chords set you back is between 4 and 5 meters which can not be extended. If you are doing need a longer chord then you definitely will have to arrange to own your air conditioning system professionally installed. Remember it's against the law for almost any system which requires venting of refrigerant pipes in to the atmosphere. So you'll should employ the assistance of the approved contractor like you would make usage of a CORGI registered professional to set up gas equipment.

Every self install air cooling system today comes having a handheld remote control feature that enables the units to be turned don and doff at certain times from the day should there certainly be a necessity to do so. Also they allow one to automatically control the temperature.

Don't Forget Cooling For Server Rooms in Summer

Choose a Ductless Air Conditioner For Great Comfort

A ductless air conditioner is an excellent choice for sunrooms, room additions, computer data rooms, small offices, garage conversions and so on.  Mini split ductless air conditioner is excellent for virtually any weather and home. 

These are classified as mini-splits due to the reason it is smaller than a regular ducted central air conditioner.  These cooling units are super-quiet giving you comfortable sleep every night.       

Computer Room Air Conditioner

An additional cooling unit at the home provides a much better comfortable environment when in comparison to a window AC unit.  In addition, it is much quieter plus much more efficient to use. 

Choose a Ductless Air Conditioner For Great Comfort

Ductless air conditioners convey more cooling capacity when compared with other cooling systems.  It is much more recommendable when when compared with a window air conditioner unit is for the main reason that latter may block windows and thus present risk to you together with your family.  Unlike a window air conditioner, ductless air conditioners have three ductless indoor units that will cool the complete house easily if properly positioned.       

Also, unlike regular cooling devices with outdoor units, the outdoor unit is quiet and small.  The typical size associated with an indoor unit is only 32"x11"x7" which has a weight of 18 pounds.  In addition, ductless air conditioner with built-in filter is frequently more efficient compared with a central filter with regards to removing bigger allergen particles.   

For convenience, the majority of the unit can be bought having a hand-held remote device that can signal and affect the temperature, louver directions, on/off times, fan speeds, and thus on.  The dry mode setting is accustomed to change the humidity of your room.  This can adjust the flow in the air in a room to produce low humidity indoor air.  Usually, the remote has built in LCD display to provide you the capability to adjust the setting.  Also, it has microprocessor control to make sure the temperature level in your living area is always comfortable.     

Mini split air conditioners are comprised of two main components: the outdoor unit and also the indoor unit.  The outdoor unit contains the compressor and the condenser while the indoor air-handling unit offers the evaporator and blower.  The two units are linked with a conduit, where the power cable, refrigerant tubing and condensate drain are found.       

Split ductless air conditioners offer broad versatility in dealing with your cooling and heating needs.  These units may also be better to look for your wall than the usual window AC unit is. 

It can be cheaper given it doesn't require ductwork.  This also means a ductless air conditioner is simple, fast and efficient to install. 

With a ductless air conditioner, there is certainly no need to create a large opening on your own wall, which could get a new structure of your respective room.  And yet, it might offer higher efficiency and can greatly lessen the noise.       

Furthermore, a ductless air conditioner can prevent energy losses linked to ductwork of a regular central air system.  Ducts are responsible for that significant quantity of energy losses, especially if your ducts are place in a unconditioned room such as an attic. 

Overall, in case you want the most effective comfort, efficient and safe cooling system, get a ductless air conditioner.

Choose a Ductless Air Conditioner For Great Comfort